Encouragement to Keep Going


You can listen here:  https://open.spotify.com/episode/1rvqRU7TnQM9onxfpNGC0Q?si=800dc60b5d3d4265

You can watch here:  https://youtu.be/grokO1XiOwE


This was a quick episode of encouragement to keep going. The journey to break into medical device sales is a roller coaster... One day you’re at the top finding out you got the interview, just to be crushed a few days later saying that they went with an internal candidate.

It can be a tough road, but I promise if you stay with it and work hard you will break in.

For me, I networked for 6 months and during that time there were so many days I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere…. but my final 3 job offers (I received 4 in total) came within 24 hours of each other. This just goes to show the 6 months of work compounded to that 24 hours…. Even on the days you don’t feeling like you’re making progress you are (that’s in sales as well). 

Stay with it, stay committed, and you will eventually break in.

Until next time, Work towards your goals and make them a reality.

Medical Device Sales Resources

Purchase Guide For Breaking into Medical Device Sales Ebook:


New to Medical Device Sales YouTube:


 New To Medical Device Sales Podcast:


New to Medical Device Sales Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newtomedicaldevicesales/



From Associate Sales Rep to Clinical Specialist with Alex Moran


9 Month Reflection in Medical Device Sales