Should You Work at a Large or Small Medical Device Company?
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I’ve had a lot of people reach out and they wanted to know should they work for a small or large medical device company? Should they leave their smaller company to go work for a large corporation.
There’s no right answer, but I wanted to share some of the differences.
This is a big one. With a larger company a lot of times they will give you more perks such as a car, car allowance, gas card, or pay for everting with your vehicle where a smaller one might not do any of these. When it comes to pay it depends on the smaller company and how they are set up. I know some reps that make way more than the average and some way less because of their opportunity and structure to their contract. With a big company a lot of times they can afford to pay you more as well, but not always.
With a larger company their opportunity for growth where you could start as an associate and stay within the same organization and work your way up to a VP. You could also do this with a smaller company, but pay could be different or the company might be bought out or not around in the future.
Career Development
Large companies focus a lot on development because they know if you make more money they make more. So they can have some of the best trainings and keep it all in house for success compared to a smaller company may not or have to go to a 3rd party for this.
This is where it can be a benefit for a smaller company that they might be able to be more flexible with pricing and you can find answers out in minutes compared to a large company it might take days to figure out a question and you might not be able to be flexible with pricing.
Again, there are no right or wrong choices here. It’s just whatever you’re the most comfortable with and the path you want to take.
Until next time, Work towards your goals and make them a reality.
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